Hey you! Yeah, you! We want your skeleton.
You don’t have to rip it out for us, we don’t need it now, but what we do need is a cover for our first issue! With this cover, we would also like to introduce our mascot, Libby, but what’s a mascot without a face? We need a picture/drawing/painting of a skeleton (preferably human) to be the face of Libby (and the face of our new magazine)! The art can be as traditional or alternative as you wish, but the only catch is, the image must include the color red.
If you’re an artist that works with any 2D media, we’d love to see your submission. In addition to being our cover artist, the winner will receive a $50 cash prize.
To submit, email libraryskeletons@gmail.com with your image attached as a .png or .jpeg. Please title your email with “Art Contest Submission” and include your name, email address, and year in high school/college in your email.
The deadline for art contest submissions is March 15th.
Or, if you’re looking to submit for general submission, check out our submit page!